Will Saletan
Special guest
Will Saletan is a national correspondent at Slate.
Will Saletan has been a guest on 6 episodes.
Hinge Moment of History
February 25th, 2022 | 54 mins 28 secs
AEI's Adam White joins the group to consider whether the invasion of Ukraine will shake the US from its decline into imbecility. Also whither the Supreme Court?
If Roe Goes
December 3rd, 2021 | 53 mins 45 secs
abortion, biden, bill galston, bill kristol, birth control, boosters, constitution, covid, damon linker, debate, democrats, eunuch, fox news, governors races, griswold, harper's magazine, ilhan omar, kevin mccarthy, lauren boebert, lawrence v texas, marjorie taylor greene, masks, midterms, mona charen, mondale, morning in america, nancy mace, obergefell, omicron, protests, puberty blockers, reagan, republicans, roe vs wade, same-sex marraige, scotus, senators, substack, supreme court, trans kids, transgender kids, travel restrictions, trump, tucker carlson, will saletan, women
Slate's Will Saletan joins the group, including Bill Kristol, to discuss the implications of a possible reversal of Roe and Biden's opportunities to recover.
Lock Him Up?
July 2nd, 2021 | 55 mins 55 secs
gop, january 6 committee, maga, ron radosh, steven miller, trump, will saletan
Ron Radosh joins the panel (which includes Will Saletan sitting in for Damon) to discuss the Trump Co. indictments, the January 6 committee, and the brain behind Steven Miller.
Powerless Texas
February 19th, 2021 | 1 hr 6 mins
gop, ice, mcconnell, rush limbaugh, ted cruz, texas, trump
Slate's Will Saletan returns to consider the McConnell/Trump GOP, Texas's woes, and Limbaugh's legacy.
Two Cheers for Biden — and Concerns
March 7th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
2020, bernie sanders, coronavirus, covid19, democratic primaries, donald trump, jim clyburn, joe biden, michael bloomberg, south carolina, super tuesday
On this week's Beg to Differ with Mona Charen Podcast, Will Saletan from Slate joins panelists Linda Chavez and Bill Galston to discuss the Biden South Carolina surge, his big Super Tuesday, and Coronavirus and its impacts.
They Impeached Trump Jesus.
December 20th, 2019 | 1 hr 16 mins
2020, debbie dingell, democrats, donald trump, doug collins, editors, house, impeachment, jim jordan, john dingell, letter, nancy pelosi, primaries
On this week's Beg to Differ Podcast with host Mona Charen, regular panelists Bill Galston and Linda Chavez are joined by special guest Will Saletan to discuss the impeachment of President Trump, the debate leading up to the vote, and Trump's hellish insults during his impeachment / Merry Christmas rally. Plus, a look at the 2020 democratic primaries.